Sunday, July 17, 2011

::Imagine me behind a podium with an award in my hand:: Can you see me? Ok....

First, I'd like to thank God without whom none of this would be possible.
A HUGE gargantuan(he loves that word) thanks to my husband. Who made it down this road with me. And we're stronger than ever. Learning that forgiveness is a 2 way street, and that it also mends a weary heart. I love you, til the end of time....
I'd also like to thank my family and friends (3) in particular De Anna, Susie, and Jamie. Whom have been stars in my sky leading me back to myself ( a better self).

::Oscar moment over:::

The first week at my new job was absolutely amazing. I even surprised myself a little. I knew I had my game face on going in, but I really did an awesome job. I have a wonderful mentor (Ruthie). She's just the right amount teacher and right amount office gossip. I LOVE IT! I'm headed to NJ tomorrow for a week of training and I'm prepared because of Ruthie.

It's awesome to be where I am....When I know where I was....

My job info :  I am a Billing Coordinator in the Accounting Department at Odyssey Overland (Odyssey Logistics and Technology). If you really know me, you'll know this is some what of a dream come true kinda job for me. I'll be managing one of the companies largest clients. Dial Chemicals, yes Dial soap etc. We make sure all of their Bio Hazard materials get to the destination of their choice, I make sure we get paid. LOL!!!!

I learned DOW corp last week, that's Clorox. I really caught on fast. Although the information coming in is always different. The "process" is the same. So it makes it easier to focus on incoming information once the "process" is learned. Yay! Me! I'm gonna do really good at this. My boss is also the greatest, she's focused, informative but doesn't micro-manage. She's great about letting me set my hours the way I want, so I get my evenings with Chris. Since he's working 3rd shift. It's a blessing to have our evenings together. 

All of the job things are so wonderful. My only struggle is allowing myself to relax...I'm here...I'm back... I've recovered from the "darkness". I wish to remain humble and thankful above all else. I learned a very hard lesson at age 32, its scarred my mentality. But, it has also made me stronger than I ever ever thought I could be. So its a bittersweet win-win because I have an awareness that I didn't have before. There's a sad place in my Psyche, I've locked the door and walked away from it. But, I'll always know its there. A reminder....Of where I never want to be again.

Now on to some funnies from me...the one and only Sunshine :)

  1. I love my new kitten Nimbus...He's so lovey and playful. But, he's got really bad gas. He'll run you out of a room. And they are loud!!!!!
  2. I've been reading the Eragon series. Chris has been trying to get me to for years. I had a hard time getting back into new stories after Twilight. Anywho... Now, that him and I can discuss it,(it's our Husband and Wife book club)(its a nice intimacy between him and I) I've learned he reads more REGALLY than me. Meaning, I'll read something and find the most southern way to say it....and he's more proper...regal.... so to that I say   =|~
  3. Some people don't appreciate being a dork. I am a DORK. I am proud. Ex. : I don't think you have to be a hard ass 24-7 to be focused on anything...anytime... anywhere... I was at the grocery store and this lady had 10 gallons of milk in her buggy. I casually just said " Honey. it may me cheaper to just buy a cow!". Boy o boy, was she a tight ass ol bird. She just stink faced me... And I laughed and walked away!!! LOLLLL!
  4. I want a bathroom with fluorescent lighting. Because, my make-up at home, and at work, look completely different.
  5. I got a pair of Franco-Sarto heels on EBay, for 99 cents. New...99 cents. I paid 10.95 for shipping so $11.94 for an 80 dollar pair of heels. SAAAHWEEETTTT!!!!
  6. It's ok to need a break from your kid. But, I still feel guilty for sending him to the grands for the weekend.
  7. I don't like rum anymore. I had 2 drinks Friday night, and although I felt relaxed...I didn't enjoy it nearly as much as I once would have.
  8. Happiness is a state of mind.....but true happiness is in your heart.
  9. I really want a pair of pink heels....Every girl should have pink ones. Right?
  10. I'm still thinking of that dang purse at the flea market. ha ha

Off to Jersey for the week. Hoping I can find a Snooki look a like just so I can freak out Christian. He's so concerned I'm going the "Jersey Shore" without him.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Rehab and a series of Fortunate Events =)

Helllllo JULY! You beautiful, sultry, full of homegrown goodies, good tidings...oh and my birthday in 3 days. =) I smilllllle upon you.

I GOT A JOB!!!!  A REALLY GOOOOOOD JOB!!!! (Actually on JUNE 27th). So mad props to June as well. Can you tell I've been hanging out with my kid? Mad Props??? lmao

I love my husband and all his frugal glory, but am still thinking about the knock off Coach bag I seen at the flea market. It was only 22 dollars. I'm going back to get it. =|~

I've become addicted to a new Monster energy drink. And I'm saving myself 180 calories per can.
Monster Rehab Tea and Lemonade. Taste like Nestea in a can. 20 calories! Thats less than a soda. I'm sold. So now my Loca Moca's will be a special treat. Come on love handles get smaller. Please.
Oh, and to mirror my facebook status. Why do LEI jeans only fit when they FIT? I've lost maybe 10 or so pounds, I can not keep these things on my hips to save my life. I'm too chunky for a belt to sit that low, so I'm forced to retire my once fitting hip huggers, as they are now hip slippers. Yay for weight loss!!! Boo for cute jeans that don't stay put.

My mom is having laser eye surgery tomorrow. And I love her so, am so happy to get to see her. But, she is such a DIVA. I've never in my life seen or heard someone make such a fuss over a tiny painless surgery. Part of me knows its her secretly just wanting time with me. So, I'm giving in. Chris is sending a gift he made for her ages ago. She's going to have to refrain from crying. But, thats one of her favorite things to do is cry~!!!

The gift is a fairy door. Yes a fairy door. Don't you beleive in fairies? You totally should. It is said that if you have a fairy door, the fairies will bring you good luck and happiness. They prefer their own entrances so they don't disturb you by using the "human" door. See below. My own fairy door is black and silver, it matches our decoration. It's best if your door blends in, as fairies are secretive creatures and aren't converstation peices. But, they don't mind if you talk about their pretty doors. =) See below:

Things I've learned in one week (yes,yes, I already knew some of them):

  1. You should never,ever, under any circumstance put a large knife in the drainer. (Cut on my pinkie to prove it) I generally dry it immediately and put it away. (DOH!)
  2. Never expect your guest to help with an impromptu dinner invite. Food was great, le Chef (that's me) fed 4 adults and a 10 year old single handedly, on the spot, drinks, salads, main dishes. AND cleaned the KITCHEN.  ALONE!!!!!!!!!!! (The only dishwasher in this house is the God given ones that are attached to my arms). Needless to say, my new friend lost friend points. Yes I have my friends on a point system. Heyyyy, they are mine to do as I choose. HA!
  3. When the tough going gets tough, the tough go shopping and find great deals.
  4. It is virtually impossible to get a hormone raged 10 year old to go to bed at a decent hour. Without, bribes, promises of 3 course breakfasts and finally a threat from daddy. =)
  5. Lunch dates with hiring managers are AWESOME! I'd forgotten the most important thing of all....THEY PAY!
  6. That I'm a bit superstitious. I've been unemployed 7 months. My start date is in the 7th month.If you count actual business days, its the 7th day. WOW. And did I mention I'm over the &^^*^%-ing top about having this JOB! SWEET!
  7. That my husband is acutely aware of my moods. Yet he sometimes misinterprets my facial expressions. Leading to meaningless squabbles about what kind of mood I'm in. DUDE, didn't you get the memo? I got a job. I'm elated right now.
  8. I don't have enough shoes anymore. I must get more shoes.
  9. Referring back to my previous blog. Wearing the stockings sucks. BUT, I cut the ends off of a few old pairs, I can now wear open toed heels, sandals and my beloved flip-flops. Since I wear jeans/slacks 100% of the time, you can't see the stockings, just my promenade pink toes. DOUBLE SWEET!!!!!
  10. I really got to lay off the homegrown veggies. My tummy is not happy with me. LOL!

All in all I'm loving Summer. Fast approaching 33. Or rather my 12 year anniversary of being 21. ::wink::

Still thinking of that purse at the flea market.... :le sigh: